Sunday, January 2, 2011

Samui Ex Servicemen January 2010 Get Together

The Elephant and Castle was the venue for Decembers get together. Thank you to the Elephant and Castle for hosting us and the curry supper provided.

The next time we meet will be at The Cork and Cask (Le Chablis) in Chaweng on Tuesday the 4th January 2010, 4:30 pm onwards, for those of you who were unaware, Bob The Towel, through no fault of his own has been put in a position where he has to return to England and this may be his final get together. Joe at The Cork and Cask has decided to donate his profits from this meeting to the Bob The Towel appreciation society to help him on his way, it would be great if as many people as possible could make it to support Bob, a founder and the inspiration of Samui Ex Servicemen.

A sum of £952.90 has been transferred to Poppy Appeal HQ in relation to our (Samui archipelago) fund raising efforts this year. Thank you to everybody who was able to contribute in some way.

Here is a link to some videos on You Tube that will be of interest to all who attend: Veterans Today

Looking forward to seeing everybody on Tuesday.

Samui Ex Servicemen

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